The studies begun us In the Book of the Corpses, the Great Pyramid is defined the Temple of the amen, that is of the conclusion, the secret house of the Hidden entity, the Abode of the Light, the House of the Secret Places. This book constitutes a form of superior allegories and makes free to the God of the Secret Initiations, to the God Unico, to the God One. Part of the hidden teachings that has not rigorously been kept in custody as the fragments of the hermetic teachings, that have come up to us through the about ten centuries that have been being departed for the time when their great author lived doesn't exist, Ermete Trismegisto, the Scribe of the gods. From ancient Egypt the esoteric teachings that have for quite a lot thousand of years so strongly influenced the philosophies of every people have come. Egypt, abode of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the place of birth, with a people help come by the Atlantic of the Secret Wisdom and of the Mystical Doctrines, from which you/they drew many ancient people. In ancient Egypt the great followers and teachers that have never been old were, and to whose height well little they have come during the centuries Loggie of the Mysticism and the to Know Ancient; from the doors of his/her temples the neophytes entered that subsequently, as gerofanti, followers and teachers, pushed in the known earths, bringing their precious knowledges to how much you/they were prepared to receive her. Among the great Teachers of ancient Egypt, there was one lives of it after Ermete and known as the "the Teachers' Teacher", it was the father of the Hidden Wisdom, the founder of the astrology and a lot of sciences that unfortunately for various causes, they lost. The Egyptians defined Ermete, setting him/it among theirs of the, with the name of Thoth; subsequently he became also one among the so many of the of ancient Greece, that Ermete called him/it God of the Wisdom. The Egyptians kept for about ten centuries on revering his/her memory, conferring him his/her ancient title of Trismegisto, that means Three times Huge, the Great one for excellence, the Greatest of the Huge ones. The name of Ermete Trismegisto was object of veneration in all the countries of the antiquity, being synonymous of Source of Wisdom. Today we use the hermetic term in the sense of secret, or rather nothing can escape, hermetic teachings are known all over the world, of any religion, without forming some particular seven religious. The ancient begun studies brought us to the understanding of the hermetic principle of the mental one, the initiate you/he/she could open this way its mind to the psychic knowledge and safeguarding himself/herself/itself from the numerous dangers, you/he/she could space on vast horizons closed to the more. An old teacher of obscurity wrote in remote times: He who it grabs the truth of the mental nature of the universe it is very advanced on the path of the wisdom. If this principle is grabbed you/he/she can be come in degree to know many secret of the nature, the principle is the following: As it is above, so it is below; as it is below, so it is above. This pricipio is of universal application and demonstration on the various plans of the material, mental and spiritual universe; it is an universal law. The ancient ermetistis considered this principle as one of the most important tools mental actions to eliminate the obstacles that were interposed to our looks in the world of the mystery. Its use did that him he/she succeeded in lifting the veil from the face of Iside, actually to the point to have a fleeting vision of this.
The corridor of entry
To lift the veils of Iside and to penetrate more and more deeply in the Mysteries, besides the study, the initiate had to complete some passages in the inside of the most greater of the Pyramids, on purpose built for the initiation of the Great Mysteries. The Book of the Corpses, as mentioned to the principle, he/she explains in veiled way the symbolism of the words and the great mass of stone, of the system of corridors and rooms of the Pyramid. II corridor of entry starts aloft from an external door, to the level of the sixteenth line; the block that disguised the entrance came to knowledge of the marauders of Á. the Mamun, to the search of treasures, only when they climbed thin to it reaching the Primo Passage Ascendancy. The corridor of entry sideways comes down for over 28 meters, from this point, continuous in the same axle of the Descending Corridor. But another corridor, called Ascending Corridor, part from the same I aim and climbing, it directs toward the near part to the center of the Pyramid. In the point of intersection of these three corridors it finds The Hidden lintel or triangular stone destined to disguise the existence of the Ascending Corridor. The corridor of Entry represents according to the Book of the Corpses, the period of preparation and initiation to the mysteries of the Uníverso in an epoch spiritually degenerate after the construction of the Pyramid. Any deadly you/he/she would have been able to return from that threshold. For the profane world, since that instant him, neophyte, was one disappeared; whoever would have ignored its fate. He lived so in a world of stone, a particular world, tenebrous and practically invisible to everybody. A mysterious world welcomed him/it, it wound him/it in particular coils to complete on him the great experiment, the dangerous street but so much beautiful of the initiation. The neophyte, the future priest, belonged to the mysterious world and prepared to the great trip and never nobody would have known what you/he/she would have seen and fact in that place. II corridor of entry keeps on coming down following the medesi-mo axle for around 77 meters, later him it arrives to a small horizontal corridor that leads in the Underground Chamber; its height is of meters 1,32 and is wide meters 1,06. But, while the passage of entry and the whole remainder of the system of rooms and corridors you/he/she is included in the masonry of the Pyramid, the Descending Corridor, leads some meter of the principle, it is inte-ramente dug in the rock that serves from foundations to construction he/she grandio-knows her/it. The symbolism of the Descending Corridor is that of the degradation of the man that, not having found the ascending street toward the truth, it sinks in the darkness of the subsoil.
The underground room
II I remember some external world it was by now for the neophyte, very distant, all the baseness, the traps, temptations, didn't riguar-give it more, it was a passage full of dangers that it needed to run away to every cost to leave forever him to him to the shoulders. The neophyte had to win to every cost, to reach the tallest of the finishing lines, that in which would be disclosed in front of him the front door that concealed the truth and him he would have crossed the threshold of that invisible world very panted. He would have entered a new dimension, a world that few would have known, that would have been his/her kingdom, you/he/she would have been able to magically act on the deadly ones and to know the various astral plans, panted with the whole mind to be from now on himself to the throne of Iside on which found writing: I am it what it is, what was, what will be always. Never any deadly you/he/she has ever lifted my veil. To reach this, the neophyte would have had to die, he knew it and with a lot of joy it was prepared to that moment helped by the Gran Priest and from the twelve assistants, priests magicians, with their help he would have been able to depose his bare deadly in the sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid and to pass in the Invisible Worlds. The Underground Chamber or pit, find to about thirty meters below the first line of the Pyramid. It introduces the particularity to have a smooth and united ceiling as a floor and to introduce, contrarily, a rocky, raw and patched floor. He could be said that this room has on purpose been built to upside-down. 1 texts Egyptians attribute her a very curious meaning. The Underground Chamber would symbolize the Folly and the men they are represented you as aggirantesi with foolish gestures; everything is sottoso-pra, the people walk on the ceiling in inverted position as the flies and they tear the hits brain of ax.
The Ascending Passage and the Horizontal Passage
The Ascending Passage has beginning to the intersection with the corridor of entry and the Descending Corridor; as this last it has a middle section of meters 1,06 and it climbs with slant actually accented for about forty meters to the beginning of the Great Gallery, that finds on the same axle and to the Horizontal Passage. The symbolism of the two ascending passages points out them with the name of Double Room of the Truth. Only the first ascending passage brings in the Book of the Corpses, the name of Room of the Truth in the shade. The architectural symbolism has translated him with a narrow and very low corridor; to notice that although has the same section of the Descending Passage, says Ascending passage it allows more easily the walk of the man, although is had to cross him/it curved. II Passage Horizontal has the same section of the Ascending Corridor, but with smaller height; in the last meters, after the passage of a step, the ground lowers and the corridor ends after 38 meters in the Chamber of the Regina that measures meters 5,23 Xs 5,76. The Horizontal Passage and the Chamber of the Regina are the symbol of the Spiritual Rebirth and the Arrival of the Vera Luce in the east during the Last Days of the Law. Beginning from the point of meeting of the Ascending Passage and the Horizontal Passage, the ceiling raises thin to a height of meters 8,60 the inclination of 26 degrees maintains the same one; the Great continuous Gallery to be always narrow, its maximum width is few more than a meter, it is long meters 47,85 to the ground and meters 46,63 to the ceiling. Its walls are composed of six files of masonry, every of which it sticks out on that underlying; it achieves of it that sufficiently wide to the base, the Great Gallery is narrow to the ceiling.
From the Great Gallery to the Great Stair
Always according to the Book of the Corpses, the initiate has to give test of courage and his/her integrity before being introduced in the Great Gallery that is the Room of the Verilà in the Light or Bright Chamber of the orbit and new tests of his/her progress and his/her wisdom they will be in demand to him before being admitted to the Great Stair. In this phase, in the neophyte, a great transformation would be operated in everything of its being, it was a thing all particular in which would be developed its Khu or rather the bright and intelligent spirit that you/he/she would have accompanied forever it. The twelve priests magicians that assisted to his/her gradual metamorphosis, were identified with the twelve Great Cosmic Powers that formed the sensitive world and they surround the Earth in his/her orbit. The priests magicians also represented the signs of the Zodiac, they operated around seven wraps in 84 phases, that corresponded to the 84 steps of the Hermetic initiation. The being undoubled of the neophyte figuredly developed to spiral in the twelve Cosmic Floors in seven phases, so he visited twice the 42 regions of the Invisible Worlds and in every Plan you/he/she repeated the phases settenarie. This trial, that not all succeeded in overcoming, lasted 84 hours, during the turn that compieva his double, passed among the 42 pylons that introduced thankfully in the Invisible World, later you/he/she would have been you the resurrezione or Second " Birth ". The ramp of the Great Gallery ends to the Great Step, later which the width of the Great Gallery became again equal to that of the Ascending Passage. The height of the Great Gallery comes down for following file; at the end of meters 1,50 after the Great Step, it introduces in the entrance of the Primo Passage Low. The symbolism of the Great Stair is The beginning of the Preparation in sight of the Consummation of the era and the Reestablishment of all the Things. The height of the Low Passages which they are shortly interrupted from the antechamber, is inferior to the meter, they cannot be crossed if not bending a lot himself. Their total length without the antechamber, is of meters 3,88, of which meters 1,32 for d Primo Passage Lower part and meters 2,56 for the Secondo Passage Low, after the antechamber and before the Chamber of the King. The antechamber, whose height brusquely increases to the exit of the Primo Passage Low, has a length of meters 2,61 and a distance of meters 6,49, between the entrance of the Primo Passage Low and the entry in the room of the King. A thick plate of granite vertically inserted by a side of the East wall, introduces a horseshoe prominence of 63 centimeters of circumference, the inferior part of the plate it is exactly to the level of the ceiling of the Low Passages, dimodoché, also after having straightened in the first part of the antechamber, the visitor is forced to again bend himself before getting in himself in the last part of it. The Primo Passage Low is built in calcareous stone, the second in red granite. This architectural whole is of great importance in the symbolism of the ancient Egyptians; it can be reported to the Period of the Chaos, structurally announced already by the fact whether to start from the Great Stair, the man's ascension toward the heights is interrupted and that beginning from this moment, he starts on a horizontal plan. The antechamber has, in the Egyptian ritual, the appellative of Chamber of the Triplex Veil correspondent to a period of Truce in the Chaos.
From the antechamber to the Chamber of the Kings
From the point of view iniziatico, the carvings that numerous they are perceived in the covering of granite of the East walls and West, vertical parallel carvings, were symbolically destined to receive the following screens that, removing himself, they discovered the entrance of the most secret room, the Saint of the Saints; the antechamber is therefore, d place in which it starts to Get out of himself the Triplex Veil. Entering the antechamber, the follower, not yet become a Teacher, it testified once more of his/her humility in front of the mysteries lowering himself to pass under the vertical plate of granite and, finally at the end of the antechamber, he got in with the back bent strong-mind, in the last Low Passage, symbol of the Final humiliation and it penetrated in the last room exclaiming: Have opened the Doors, Benedict both he who is in the Box, since all the words will have free access I pour of Him!. Once lifted the veil of the things periture, the neophyte it was alone in their correspondence archetipica, it found in a state of nebulosity, a particular sdoppiaggio that brought him/it toward the superior experiences that would have done of him a Teacher. Gradually helped with the thought of the priests magicians that didn't abandon it an instant, it was penetrated in the hidden disciplines that he saw and he understood under a new light. It was not before anymore that of, it abandoned the sensitive world for a world made of light where a lot of dimensions overlapped and they brought it to admirable experiences that only the mind included and the word could not translate. The Secondo Passage Low ends to the east extremity of the room he dictates some Kings, although this denomination is not justified neither from the ancient tradition, neither from the texts, draw of a room long meters 10,46, wide meters 5,23, tall meters 5,58. In the Book of the Corpses this room assumes the most symbolic designations; it is the Chamber of the Mystery and the Open Grave, the Chamber of the Great East of the ancient prophecies, the Room of the Judgment and the Purification of the Nations, the Vera's Luce Return that it comes from the west, the Literal Presence of the Lord of the Death and the Grave, meaning with what the Death is submerged by the Light and that God lives for ever. It is completely bare and it doesn't contain but the Box, risen of sarcophagus of red granite perfectly smoothed; its dimensions try that he cannot have been introduced by the Low Passages, but that he has been inserted overall monumental to the moment in which the line corresponding of the Pyramid was in construction. In this room the neophyte was not considered in a sort of jail, but in a place of meditation, it didn't find only, from the depths of the Cosmos beneficent radiations actually reached him strengthening him, while you are highly shouting mysterious coming from over those thick walls of stone, they instructed him/it on things of a lost world, that opened magnificent horizons in to know, even if a lot of of they still appeared him to them incomprehensible. He remembered the words of the Great Priest: Don't worry you if a lot of words will seem you dark it is by now near the time when these and other great things will be you disclose her. Assembled and those words will appear you clear and to one to one the veils that cover the hidden truths, will fall to your feet and you will see and you will understand a lot of things, you will be clairvoyant, your eyes will see the things that will be unknown to the more ones, the shades of the pierced ones won't be shades anymore, but love us that they will help you, you don't have idea of as vast it will be your knowledge, it will be a whole other life.