Very generic lexicon related to the Egittologia
Catkins With this name you/he/she was designated by the ancient Egyptians both
the kingdom of the corpses placed to west and that the sun illuminated after
the sunset, is a divinity of the afterlife, graphically represented by a man
with a feather on the head.
AMSCHIR Una kind of container used during the funeral ceremonies.
ANUBIS Dio of the corpses of the ancient Egyptians, was revered in the whole
Egypt, and its pictorial representation was that of a man from the head of jackal
almost always sat. With to spread some cult of Osiride, lost of importance,
and in mythological circle the brother of the same Osiride was held, of which
preserved the corpse from the corruption. The Egyptians had the conviction that
got the food to the dead ones, of which it protected the mummies and the graves.
Bees The ancient Egyptians, what terrestrial expression of the God Ptah, revered
a black bull with a white sign on the forehead, and with the legs, the abdomen
and the bow of the tail white's paintings. His/her priests interpreted the oracles
that affirmed to originate from him, according to the fact that the animal accepted
or you/he/she refused the food that was offered him, or in base to the possible
hits of the legs on the ground. The center of its cult was the city of Menfi.
Boat funeral sort of bark of palm cheats, on which the corpse of the dead one
was transported up to the grave. You/he/she was richly decorated with cloths
and flowers and, in the case of corpses of elevated social position, it also
had some musicis that played for the whole journey.
BIBAN Et_MOLUK situated Necropolis to west of Tebe, in which a notable quantity
of mastabe and graves is found, both of king, and of principles and dignitaries
of Court. Unfortunately a lot of of these graves are been plundered during the
centuries, for which the archaeological material of this valley has totally
gone to practice lost.
BUBASTE Era the Egyptian Goddess of the joy, of the music and of the love. Represented
in the paintings and in the sculptures in form of cat, this animal was to her
sacred. Its protection was invoked against the wicked spirits, for which its
function in the Aldilà was extremely important.
CANOPO Nome with which a particular funeral urn is pointed out in ancient Egypt.
In the graves of the Faraonis four were the canopis destined to the maintenance
of the bowel of the mummies. Of wood, of stone, of alabaster or of enameled
earth, they introduced the whole characteristic to have the inferior part covered
of hieroglyphs,
and the covers shaped to head of man or animal.As a rule, the canopis of the
mummies had the covers that represented a head of jackal, one of man, one of
hawk and one of dog, to represent the four children of Horus.
CARTIGLIO Oval ring within which the name of the Faraone is written, of the
prince, or of whom is buried in the grave.
CHEFREN Faraone of the tv Dynasty. Child of Cheope and father of Micerino he
built one of the three great Pyramids of Gizah. You believes that the Sphinx
of Gizah has been built under its kingdom, even if authoritative theories exist
according to which the construction of the body of the sphinx is datable around
the 12.000 a.C. Only the head would have been built to the epoch of Chefren,
and systematized on the preexisting body.
CHEOPE Faraone Egyptian of the IV Dinastia, was child of Snefru and father of
Chefren. Of him a lot of news is not had, and its name has passed to the history
to have built the greatest of the pyramids of GIZAH, known note as the Great
CINOCEFALO Greek word that wants to say ` from the head of dog'. Ancient Egyptian
divinity represented by a head of dog on a human body, is generally identified
with the God Thoth.
CRIOSFINGI Sfingi whose head, instead of being of lion or human, it was that
of a ram.
Dynasty Keeping in mind of the particular characteristics owed to the different
historical moments, the researchers of egittologia - starting from the beginnings
that they place around the 3000 a.C. - you/they have divided the events that
developed him in ancient Egypt, in epoches in every of which the various sovereigns
have been gathered in Dynasties, that have preserved to all the denomination
and the number that it attributed them the historical Manetone today, lived
under the kingdom of the Tolomeis. The ancient Kingdom, that has gone since
3000 to the 2200 a.C., he/she understands the Dynasties from her The to her
You, and you/he/she is followed by the Intermediary Primo Periodo that, under
the sovereigns that go from the VII to the X Dinastia, it reaches the 2052 a.C.
Therefore here is the Middle Kingdom, that the years have covered since 2052
to the 1778 a.C. with two only Dynasties, the XI and the XII; from 1778 to the
1570 A.C. we have an Intermediary Secondo Periodo instead with the Dynasties
from the XIII to the XVII, he/she understood, while from 1570 to the 935 a.C.
they are four the Dynasties, the XVIII, the XIX, the XX and the XXI (this period
has passed to the history as the age of the Ramessidis, from the name of a series
of famous Faraoni. The dynastic so-called period ends in the 333 a.C., and the
years had understood since 935 to the 333 a.C. they see to the power the Faraonis
of the Dynasties XXII/XXXI. two further epoches Exist, that Tolemaica (332/32
a.Cs.), and that Roman (32 a.Cs. /394 AD) - that however they are not accredited
of Dynasties.
FARAONE Termine Egyptian with which the sovereigns of ancient Egypt were pointed
out. By itself the term meant ` elevated house', and only beginning from the
XVIII Dinastia, it served to designate the person of the sovereign. But only
with the XXII Dinastia it became a real title premised to the name of the king.
Many the famous Faraonis, from Ramses to Akhenaton, from Imhotep to Tutmosis,
to end to Tutankhamen that surely it is the most known to world level.
Hieroglyphic One of the around 3000 signs that constitute the painted writing
of the ancient Egyptians. They are schematic images of natural objects, and
they had a value is phonetic that ideografic. Used AD in Egypt up to 400, they
constituted a true enigma for the researchers, and only in 1799, after the discovery
of the Stele of Rosetta, Champollion succeeded in deciphering them. The walls
of the graves in the Egyptian necropolises, the external and inside part of
the sarcofagis and the corridors inside the pyramids have totally covered of
GEROGRAFI Men's that they practiced the divination in ancient Egypt, and they
assisted the Priests in the rites related to the embalming and to the burial
of the mummies.
GIZAH È the most important of the situated necropolises around the ancient
city of Menfi. Center of the graves of the Faraonis of the IV Dinastia that
they chose her/it for first, also introduces graves of other members of the
royal families, besides those of other dignitaries of Court. However, the most
important graves and that you/they have created the fame of Gizah, I am the
three pyramids of Cheope, Chefren and Micerino, over naturally to the colossal
statue of the Sphinx. Around the pyramids there is a notable number of mastabe,
you partially explore only.
The Great Pyramid Built to Gizah by the Faraone Cheope, the possibilities of
this new type of grave - you already mention in the sepulchre of the Faraone
Snofru - you/they are developed at the most. The technical perfection, recognizable
also in the most minute particular of the building, it makes to affirm without
shade of doubt that nothing has been left to the improvisation. For the first
time you/they are used some blocks of stone of colossal proportions - middly
of the weight of 250 kilos and with someone who reaches even 15 tons - that
they contribute in conclusive way to the most important value of this monument
or rather the massive structure. Tall in origin 146 meters, remain of ten meters
that of Chefren, and of well 86 that of Micerino, that is the only two in degree
to be in rivalry as for with her dimensions.
HAPI Dio Egyptian of the Nile, was represented entirely in human form, but quietly
dressed with the custom typical of the fishermen. Let's find him/it often represented
in the graves and in the sepulchres, load of foods and fruit that it distributes
to the dead ones.
Egyptian HATHOR Divinità revered especially in the city of Dendera, was
represented as a youth by the horns and the ears of a heifer. His/her name -
house of Hor - show clearly as it was the personification of the celestial time.
It is also important in funeral circle, since it was the Goddess that gave to
drink and it purified the corpses in the Aldilà. The sistro was the sacred
musical tool to her.
HORUS Dio of the sky and the light, in the Egyptian mythology it is the brother
of Seth God of the obscurity and the earth. To avenge Osiride that has been
killed by Seth engages with this last a sour struggle that concludes him with
the death of Seth. Represented choreas a man from the head of hawk, the divine
ancestor of the Faraonis it was considered in which reincarnated him.
KA Questa Egyptian word of which it is not yet (her the whole exact meaning,
is to point out a double incorporeal of the individual. Some is that - in the
Egyptian mythology it allowed the people to exist in the Aldilà. for
which is alone in the afterlife that Only exception accomplishedly manifested
him it was that established from the Faraonis which, being of divine nature,
they already possessed him/it in the terrestrial life.
KHONSU In origin a lunar divinity, was represented usually as a mummy that brought
on the head the lunar disk in increasing phase, and with in hand three different
IERACOCEFALO Human rappresentationfrom the head of sparrow hawk. According to
the egittologis, this was the pictorial representation of the God RA. Its cult
had deep roots especially in the city of Ieracompoli the today's Kom-el-Abmar
- that it is one of the most ancient of Egypt. Notable the quantity and the
variety of archaeological material found ivi, but of particular importance is
a tomb painting that goes up again to the antecedent period her The Dynasty.
Embalming Operation through which is tried to prevent the decomposition of the
dead bodies preserving the external aspect that had the dead one during the
death. The tallest level in the field of the embalming was achieved in ancient
Egypt, and precisely in the dynastic period. The mummies actually reached us
show what degree of excellence you/they had reached the Egyptian embalmers,
where you are thought that these finds have the 2/3000 year-old respectable
age, and they are perfectly preserved. Today the procedure of embalming of the
Egyptian mummies has gone lost, but he be that the bowel you/they were extracted
by a practiced cut in a side of the dead body, while the brain was made to go
out or from the nostrils, or from a cut at the base of the nape. Subsequently,
the hollow drawn by the removals of the entrailses were filled with honey, balmy
oils, myrrh, salnitro and other mixtures whose secret was jealously guarded
by the priests by the taricheutis and by the paraschistis.
ISIDE without doubt the Goddess most important of the ancient Egyptian mythology
Revered especially in the delta of the Nile, it was the bride of Osiride and,
after the killing of this last, it sought the body of it, therefore, after having
him ridonata the life it produced with him Horus which avenged the death of
it. You/he/she was represented as a female figure recante on the head a headgear
constituted by the disk of the sun supported by two horns of ox, and with in
hand the sistro and the situla.
MASTABA Parola Arab with which a particular type of Egyptian sepulchral monument
of the ancient Kingdom is designated. Of rectangular plant, the sides vary from
a minimum of two meters up to fifty. In the most ancient samples, the body of
the construction is out everything compact of a well that, opening himself on
the summit of the mastaba, it ends in low inside the funeral room. Once that
the corpse was deposed in the funeral carnera, the well came completely filled
with sand and other amount carried over material. To the time of the V and You
Dynasty, the mastaba suffers a radical transformation, in the sense in that
the block is divided quite a lot vain, on the walls of which I/you/they are
painted of the false doors, for depistare who wanted to reach the room where
the dead body was found. While to the beginning there were no decorations to
the inside, with the creation of the vain ones the walls multiply him, and it
are so that we generally have always a greater number of connected mural paintings
to the life of the dead one. The mastaba is without any doubt a form of less
monumental sepulchre of the pyramids, of which it constitutes the forerunner.
The expression most important some mastaba is reached with the pyramid to steps
of Zoser to Saqqara, that is constituted by six overlapped mastabes in practice.
MICERINO Faraone of the IV Dinastia, reigned on Egypt toward the end of the
2600 a.C. Child of Chefren, erected the third one, in order of greatness, of
the pyramids of Gizah.
Mummy embalmed Dead body: with this procedure the ancient Egyptians tried to
preserve for a longer time the possible the bodies of the dead ones, in forecast
of their use for a future life. The corpse, private of the bowel, you/he/she
was filled with a mixture composed of honey, myrrh, salnitro and other grinded
grasses, after that you/he/she was sprinkled of flax oil and completely wound
in bandages, yes not to leave any part of the skin open. Subsequently, a mixture
to base of pitch served to waterproof the dead body, that was deposited in one
or more sarcofagis.
NEFTI Dea Egyptian sister of Iside, accompanied this last in the search of the
mutilated dead body of Osiride that had been killed by Seth Considerata a funeral
Goddess, you/he/she was often represented together with Iside in the paintings
and in the sepulchral sculptures to protection of the dead ones.
NEPENTE Prodigiosa plants Egyptian that made to forget every pain. You/he/she
was made from there ample use during the funeral banquets.
NOMO Regione or district of ancient Egypt. Each made head to a city and it was
completely autonomous: this characteristic, that also foresaw own divinities
and traditions, was also preserved in historical age.
OSIRIDE Dio Egyptian brother of Iside, Nefti and Seth. Treacherously killed
and served asunder as Seth, after the various parts of its body were patiently
sought after and found again by Iside and by Nefti, it repurchased the life
and, together with Iside, it produced Horus that avenged him/it killing in turn
Seth. Funeral divinity for antonomasia, was the Lord of the Kingdom of the Corpses.
It was particularly dear to the Egyptians, so much that its cult also survived
in Roman epoch.
PARACHISTI Fra the employees to the embalming were those people who proceeded
to effect the cuts as which were served to go out the bowel of the dead bodies
destined to become mummies.
Pyramid In Egypt the beginning construction of the pyramids him he is able colIocare
in dynastic Epoch, and middly during her The Dynasty when the sovereigns entered
the order of ideas that their graves had to differentiate him from those of
the common people. Such differentiation will remain for the whole arc of the
ancient Egyptian civilization, that he/she will see the Faraonis stretched out
to build more and more some imposing funeral mausoleums. It is common opinion
that to identify with the pyramid to steps of Zoser the first example of such
type of construction, even if, in this case, we see us a complex of six overlapped
mastabes. How transitory example from the type of pyramid to steps to that classical,
places citharas the pyramid of Snofru that, initiated as pyramid to steps, continued
then as classical pyramid, even if you/he/she was not completed. Of the period
of Snofru there is always however another pyramid - to Dashur - that, tall 100
meters and with the sides of 213 meters, it is surely pyramidal in the most
complete sense of the term. And however with the three great pyramids of Gizah,
and for the precision that of Cheope, that of Chefren and that of Micerino,
that the Egyptian pyramid reaches its more complete expression. Tall respectively
146, 136 and 66 meters, and with a base of over 200 meters side, introduces
ago some real artificial mountains a volumetria that of it. After the IV Dinastia,
which these pyramids belong, such typology of funeral monuments moves him to
Saqqara and to Abu-Sir, but the new constructions don't absolutely hold up the
comparison with the preceding ones, neither for the massive structure, neither
for the accuracy of the particular ones: the technique in fact it is how much
never approximate, the covering in limestone doesn't exist anymore and, above
all, the blocks of stone are not used, anymore but only full bricks. Only with
the XII Dinastia the pyramid again purchases a certain importance as funeral
monument: in fact, even if they keep him on using the bricks, the pyramids of
Sesostri I and those of Amenemhet I and III they revive the Fastis of the pyramids
of Gizah. The last group of pyramids to be built is what is owed to the Ethiopian
kings, that build to Napata and Meroe quite a lot of it. You/he/she must be
specified that, while these last pyramids have a great deal to their inside
an ample room, all the other they are deprived of practicable environments.
Only the Great Pyramid has an enough complex system of corridors and funeral
rooms, besides different vain that serve to unload the weight of the enormous
construction. Generally, to the funeral cult they are destined some other buildings,
or situated immediately behind the pyramid, or to this connected ones through
corridors to open sky or buried passages. The construction of the pyramids,
and way of those of Gizah, sets particularly a whole series of questions to
which only partly an answer you/he/she has been given. Many researchers wonder
in fact as has been possible to achieve such a precision in the execution of
jobs that today they would also result problematic having the today's techniques;
as is been able to also transport rocks some weight of fifteen tons to more
than one hundred meters high; as is been able to make to contemporarily work
the necessary masses of workers to effect the jobs; as is been able to fresco
whole walls to the dark without leaving also her least trace of smoke coming
from the necessary torches to the illumination, and so street saying. These
are alone some of the a lot of questions that a valid explanation don't have
but, for how much you/he/she is given to know some science of the ancient Egyptians
there, we certainly have to discard all those hypotheses that recall mathematical
knowledges of superior order: the only thing that we can affirm with safety
is that the pyramids are the expression of a civilization that you/he/she has
known how to resolve a notable series of extremely complex problems.
PSCHENT And ' the double crown symbol of the tall one and Lower part Egypt.
PSICOSTASIA Procedimento in base to which, after the death, the dead person
is accompanied in front of Osiride, and there Thoth puts on the dishes of a
balance the heart and the truth of he who you/he/she is submitted in opinion.
To this examines point him performance a litany in base to which it denies or
he/she confesses the sins that you/he/she has committed during his/her permanence
on the Earth. If the dishes of the balance remain in equilibrium, the dead person
has the right to the Aldilà, while, in negative case, you/he/she is annulled
for the eternity.
Ancient PTAH Divinità, as importance came after Amon and Ra in the Egyptian
mythology. Represented as a mummy, the creator of the men and the was considered
gods, and the God of the rectitude was held also.
Egyptian RA Dio of the sun revered above all to Eliopoli, was represented or
as ieracocefalo or anthropomorphous. To the epoch of the V Dinastia it becomes
the most important God in Egypt, and the Faraonis are considered his/her children.
Apart the other values, it also has a notable importance to funeral level, since
the corpses were judged in front of him. Frequent it is his/her pictorial representation
on a boat while it is crossing the arc of the sky. The disk of the sun that
always brings on the forehead, is wound by the ureo.
SAQQARA Attuale town of tall Egypt, to the epoch of the ancient Menfi it was
the necropolis of it. Situated a lot of the graves of the Faraonis of the are
you the Dynasty but, without any doubt, the most famous and known is the pyramid
to steps of Zoser. Tall around 60 meters and constituted by six overlapped mastabes,
it surely represents the first case of monumental pyramid. To the of under of
the pyramid there is an endless series of corridors and burrows whose exploration
is still in action, and that from the real funeral apartment they reach quite
a lot environments that served to the celebration of the jubilee regal draughts
po' neglected during the IV Dinastia for other sepulchral installations what
Gizah and Abu Rosh, at the end of the V Dinastia it again knew a period of shine.
The Faraone Onnos built you his/her own pyramid, as also the most greater part
of the Faraonis of the You Dynasty. However Saqqara is famous for the notable
quantity of the maastabes recovered ivi - over two hundred - of which well 70
are of the V
Dynasty and 60 of the You. A particular mention deserves the mastaba of Mereruka
that has well 32 rooms. Even if the better period of Saqqara is that of the
ancient Kingdom, during the Middle one and the New Kingdom pyramids of a certain
importance were built, as for example that of the Faraone Haremhab of the XVIII
Dinastia, that has gone unfortunately completely destroyed.
Sarcophagus This term is to point out that manufactured articles servants to
welcome and to guard the corpses of the dead ones. You introduce in all the
civilizations since the most ancient times, you/they could be of granite, of
wood, of metal, and of marble. In Egypt we see that, to the beginning of the
historical epoch, the first sarcofagis appear in wood to form of simple boxes.
You/he/she must be suffered specified that the sarcofagis were of two fundamental
types: to large case, or type anthropoid. The type to large case is surely the
most ancient, and they is found of very beautiful among those belonging to characters
of the III of the IV and the V Dinastia. Of square stone, they continue to appear
during the Middle one and the New Kingdom up to slow epoch, but then the wood
becomes the material more used, and the decoration to the outside is made of
paintings. The possibility that the sarcofagis were set one inside the other
existed and, in this case, it was indifferent entirely that were found to the
outside those in stone and to the inside those in wood, or vice versa. In the
grave of Tutankhamen the sarcophagus of stone of the Faraone was confined in
others four of wood. The walls of these last ones were richly decorated of hieroglyphs
and images of foods and objects you to the dead one. II type of anthropoid sarcophagus,
or to form of mummy, it proposed in practice the features of the dead body that
it was found to the inside. These wraps - of cartapesta pressed beginning from
her/it you Dynasty - they become of wood in the Middle Kingdom, epoch this that
represents as for the peak of such type of sarcophagus wealth of decorations,
inlays and ageminazioni in gold. Instead, during the New Kingdom, the sarcofagis
are also of stone, and they repeat the whole figure of the dead one to the outside,
from head to toe. To return to Tutankhamen, in the sarcophagus of granite of
which is said first (that content within the four wood boxes) there were three
anthropomorphous containers, two of which you/they were wooden while that more
inside - that it contained the mummy of the Faraone - it was made out of gold.
the sarcofagis of the last period Finally, maintain only the form of the head
giving up delineating the rest of the body.
Egyptian SERAPIDE Divinità whose cult has origin in the city of Menfi
to the epoch of the The Dynasty of the ancient Kingdom. It is tightly connected
to the bull Bees.
Honorable Egyptian SETH Dio in origin in tall Egypt. Brother of Horus and thick
Osiride was in conflict with two someone. It was a lot of main point to the
epoch of the the Dynasty, when some Faraonis were considered his/her incarnations
instead that of the God Horus as it was of habit. Diminished his/her importance,
it returned in top to the time of the Hyksoses, that they considered him their
national divinity what protecting of the weapons and of the war. In the Egyptian
mythology it kills Osiride, but he is killed in turn by the of him child. he
is represented as a man by the head of animal, whose characteristics are the
long face and the rectangular ears.
Sphinx is represented enough of frequent in the ancient art. In Egypt he was
represented as a being by the body of lion and the human head, generally that
of a Faraone. The human part grafts him in the torso leonino and, to the place
of the mane, there is the typical real headgear to manner of hood with two fins
that go down to cover the ears up to the chest, and with 1'ureo on the forehead.
Generally the body is squatting, and occasionally it is female only: in this
case it represents figures of Goddesses or Queens. The Sphinxes were generally
prepared you always couple, and you/they were systematized to the entry of the
temples or to the beginning and along the avenues that conducted to the temples
themselves. The most famous Sphinx is without any doubt that of Gizah, drawn
by an enormous monolite of rock, and that it represents the Faraone Chefren,
next to whose pyramid note is found. Long 57 meters and tall 20, in the past
centuries it was more times covered by the sand of the desert, tant'è
that the Tolomeis raised around her everything of the surrounded building to
protect it from the sand. It is opinion of the researchers that the head of
the Sphinx of Gizah is back to the construction of the body, for which the original
statue had to be more ancient in comparison to the epoch of Chefren, when exactly
the head was systematized on the rest of the structure. They exist a whole series
of theories, totally you show besides not, according to which the Sphinx of
Gizah was built around the year 12.000 a.Cs., which would be to mean that it
would not be work of the ancient Egyptians, but of a civilization to them antecedent,
or however different.
SICOMORO Tipo of wood used of preference in the construction of the wooden sarcofagis.
TARICHEUTI once that the paraschistis had provveduto to the deviscerazione of
the corpses, the taricheutis they proceeded to the real embalming, introducing
in the body of the dead balmy oils, honey, salnitro and 'other.
THEI Egyptian Dea of the justice, revered particularly way to Menfi. You/he/she
was represented with the blinkers because its judgment was not dissuaded by
non connected events the case in examination.
Egyptian THOTH Dio whose cult was mainly revered to Ermopoli, where he held
him the greatest of the gods. You/he/she was represented as a man by the head
of ibis, and at times with that of a baboon. Allied of Osiride, as God of the
writing and the magic formulas was revered, but its more important assignment
was that to administer the justice in the Aldilà, where it weighed the
souls of the dead ones.
TUTANKHAMEN Faraone of the XVIII Dinastia, had reigned since 1358 to the 1349
a.C., and it died to alone eighteen years of tuberculosis. Climbed to the power
after Ekhnaton, it restored the cult of Amon putting an end to the religious
reform of Amenofi IV, that you/he/she had abolished the old pantheon of the
gods Egyptians for the only God Aton. Psychologically overhung date his/her
young age and the not good conditions of health, from his/her/their mother and
from the priests it found uri valid help in the action of government de it departs
of the general Haremhab. A mission English, driven by lord Carnarvon and from
Howard Carter, in 1922 it discovered its intact grave and this recovery, that
from many researchers the is considered more main point relatively to the civilization
of ancient Egypt, it did yes that its name purchased a world fame.
I howl The Ira the sacred snake that was often represented on the graves or
on the headgears of the Faraonis as symbol of the supreme power. It was almost
always also present on the pictorial representations of the Faraonis reproduced
on the sarcofagis.
Valley Of the Kings finds you in the west mountains of the city of Tebe, in
Egypt. Of rocky nature, introduces on the sides the graves of the Faraonis of
the XVIII, XIX and XX Dinastia that, you dig in depth, they also reach one hundred
meters in low. To reach the real graves there is staircases, corridors and quite
a lot rooms and small side rooms: finally, one or more salt they constitute
the antechamber of the room where the sarcophagus is found with the mummy. Even
if the most greater part of these graves contained the mummies of the Faraonis,
they are some of it of Queens and others of tall dignitaries. To everything
today they have been open about seventy graves, but of these solo a two weeks
they are visitable from the public.
ZOSER Faraone founder of the III Dinastia, moved the capital of the ancient
Kingdom to Menfi, and there nearby, to Saqqara, you/he/she made to erect in
that that an enormous necropolis would have become, the first monumental pyramid
to steps. Worthy of note is the fact that the architect that built the pyramid
of Zoser was the famous Imhotep, that was deified subsequently.